Ministry the Way Jesus Did
We are not the typical missionaries by some people’s standards. David is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God now, but his background is in sheet metal fabricating. Amy is a Family Nurse Practitioner with over a decade of experience as a pediatric nurse. God called us into missions right out of the pews of our local church. The scripture verse our family lives and serves by is 1 Peter 4:10 which reads, “Each of you should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Our vision for ministry in Papua New Guinea is to utilize healthcare and community development initiatives such as clean water and sanitation to open doors into areas of Papua New Guinea that have been unreached or under reached with the Gospel up until this point. Many areas of Papua New Guinea still remain severely lacking in adequate healthcare and clean water access. But anyone can start a clinic or dig a water well. The reason why we are taking our family to the other side of the world is to be a practical, tangible example of the gospel message of Jesus Christ in a largely animistic culture. We hope to do ministry the way Jesus often did. By meeting the physical needs of people we are showing them that God cares about their whole person. It opens the door for the sharing of the Gospel message in a place that has been shrouded in darkness for so long. From there we hope to be able to plant churches where they have never been planted before.
Thank you for partnering with us as we trek into the jungles of Papua New Guinea to bring access to healthcare, clean water, and the hope of Jesus Christ to the amazing people who live there.
God bless you.
David, Amy, Ben, and Daniel Julian